Nací y viví hasta los 30 años en Santo Domingo, R.D. Estudié Ingeniería Civil, aunque trabajé en hostelería. Vine a España en 1992 para dirigir un hotel en la costa de catalana y allí conocí a mi esposa. Ahora formamos una familia junto a nuestra hija y mi perro Edi. Hago fotografía callejera porque me encanta. La ciudad me llena de vida y he aprendido a mirar el mundo con otros ojos. Espero que al menos algunas de mis imágenes te sorprendan y revelen lo extraordinario de muchos momentos cotidianos que dejamos pasar sin disfrutarlos.
I was born and lived until I was 30 years old in Santo Domingo, D.R. I studied Civil Engineering, although I worked in the hotel business. I came to Spain in 1992 to manage a hotel on the Catalonian coast. There I met my wife and now we live together with our daughter and my dog Edi. I do street photography because I love it. The city fills me with life and I have learned to look at the world with different eyes. I hope that at least some of my images will surprise you and reveal the extraordinary of many everyday moments that we let pass by without enjoying them.
Acknowledgements / Reconocimientos
- IgersCornerStreet-Igers Catalonia June 2018: 6 months exhibition of a street photo image at the Movistar Centre in Barcelona.
- IgersCornerStreet-Igers Catalonia October 2018: 6 months exhibition of a portrait image at the Movistar Centre de Barcelona
- Revela't Festival 2020: third prize for the portfolio review 12x12xx24